Right to higher education

Contributions for University Life

You can take part in the fundraising effort that supports university students.

Believing in the power of education and the talent of the younger generation

What we have achieved

€ 20,055
Funds raised to date
€ 26,000
April 2025 Target


We wish to support an increasing number of students in their studies.

Thanks to the funds raised, we will be able to provide scholarships, offer contributions for rent and healthcare costs, and introduce new facilities for out-of-town students.


  1. Increasing support for students in difficult socio-economic circumstances

  2. Providing subsidies for rent and healthcare costs for students studying away from home

  3. Offering grants for personal public transport passes


  • Providing support to students during their studies

  • Giving concrete help to the housing problem

  • Contributing to a sustainable mobility model

You can make an online donation of up to €10,000.

If you would like to use a money order, to donate more than €10,000, or to donate from abroad, please email arin.fundraising@unibo.it.

If you wish, you can remain anonymous and your data will only be processed internally to finalise the donation and agree on any specific requirements relating to whom you wish to support.

Find out what tax benefits you can enjoy

Donate Now

You can make your donation online or by money order. If you do not have an Italian tax code or would like to donate more than €10,000, please contact us.


The most frequent donations:

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Type of donor
A donation is of modest value if it does not significantly affect your finances.