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Every contribution to the University of Bologna is dedicated to improving people's lives through research, innovation and education.

Together, we can create the conditions to make real growth possible and to improve our world

What does it mean to make a donation?

Supporting free research

We seek solutions independent of financial interests, offering a space for studies that benefit small yet significant communities.

Changing the world, for real

We take concrete action on treating diseases, climate change and social problems so as to improve people's quality of life.

Tax benefits

Making a donation offers tax advantages, allowing you to deduct part of the contribution from your annual taxes.

The projects we are working on today

Preserving the Astronomical Heritage of the Museo della Specola with the Art Bonus

Take part

Down syndrome: Genome 21 project

New therapeutic approaches to improve the quality of life of people with trisomy 21.

Collect a milestone


2024 Scholarship Goal Achieved

€155,000 raised thanks to the generosity of individuals, companies, and organisations who believed in the value of education and the importance of providing tangible support for the academic journeys of talented young minds.

The University launches the Art Bonus Campaign: up to 65% tax deduction for donors

The restoration of the valuable collections of the Museo della Specola will be the focus of the first fundraising campaign connected to the Art Bonus, a tax incentive that allows donors to receive up to a 65% deduction for contributions made in support of Italy's public cultural heritage.

5x1000: Allocation of Collected Funds

The last campaign raised €410,035.75 for research projects aimed at addressing the pandemic's side effects on younger populations.
Of this, €210,000 has been allocated to the Psychological Aid Service (SAP), €5,035.75 to a Recovery College pilot program for the student community, and €195,000 to a PhD scholarship and five research grants.