
What we can do together

Taking part in the change

With tools, knowledge and reliability, and with your support, the effects a gesture can become much more.

Creating connections

Action after action, we strengthen our connection with the community by taking part in the creation of projects for the common good.

Every gesture counts

Every contribution, no matter how small, is a valuable step forward in the realisation of projects

Preserving the Astronomical Heritage of the Museo della Specola with the Art Bonus

We safeguard the beauty of unique collections that tell the story of our relationship with the sky and knowledge.


Supporting the right to knowledge: a gesture to help finance students’ studies and encourage them not to drop out.

Contributions for University Life

You can take part in the fundraising effort that supports university students.

Down syndrome: Genome 21 project

We explore new therapeutic approaches to improve the quality of life of people with trisomy 21 in the field of intellectual disability.

Palliative care: the experience of the "Spiaggia dei valori"

We study how non-pharmacological interventions can improve the quality of life for people in vulnerable conditions and their caregivers.

Alumni Association

Your donations will support scholarships and mentorship programmes.

Body donation

A gesture that contributes to science by enabling medical students to improve their understanding of human anatomy.

Donate your time: Citizen science

You will help collect data, analyse information and develop new knowledge.

General Donation

You can make a donation to the University, a department, or a center, and the funds will be allocated to the areas most in need of support.

Leave a legacy

Support education: leave a mark that can make a difference in studies, research and development, ensuring opportunities for generations to come.

Share your library heritage

Give a second lease of life to books that, through your donation, will continue to spread knowledge.

Sponsor activities

Associate your company name with the University of Bologna for your image and to reach a wide audience.

Your 5x1000

With a simple signature, you can turn part of your taxes into an investment for cultural and social progress.