Since 2024, the collection of donations at the University of Bologna has evolved spontaneously and flexibly, laying the
foundation for a more structured and strategic management approach.
This evolution has made it possible to fully harness the potential of contributions by establishing a system that simplifies
the donation process and amplifies the impact of each act of generosity.
The new system also makes the process more accessible, secure, intuitive and transparent
for anyone wishing to contribute, promoting the participation of an increasingly attentive community
eager to contribute to the generation of public value.
Among the projects that have continued
In 2024, we achieved an extraordinary milestone: raising €155,000 thanks to the generosity of individuals, companies, and organisations who believe in the
value of education and the importance of providing tangible support for the academic journeys of talented young minds.
Each year, the fundraising campaign to support
scholarships makes it possible to support the university career of deserving male and female students who,
thanks to this support, can
concentrate on their studies and participate in projects and activities that enrich their
Genome 21 Project
Funding for research on the subject is generally directed towards prenatal diagnosis of the
syndrome and is scarce for experimentation: the project is looking towards a cure
and for this reason every contribution is essential to support our research activities, which are currently
more than 90% funded by donations.
The funds raised so far are enabling research to continue.